Learning is
Living itself.

Our Services

Education & Counselling

Education & Counselling

Coaching Assessments

Coaching Assessments

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Learning Center

Learning Center

About Us

The Lifelong Guidance GR serve counselling and coaching to the clients’ adapt to a new country and culture.

The Lifelong Guidance GR is aiming to empower the clients’ resilience after leaving from their homeland. Mission of the company is providing new living abilities to their clients, inspiring them for new way of thinking about life, counselling them for planning their future career.

We’re helping hand on

500 Adults & Kids in 20+ Countries

Child Development
Speech Therapy

Academic Achievements Tests

In today’s modern education system, school psychologists and guidance specialists use various tests to determine the situation of the student, to show the right approaches and to make referrals.

Assessments help a person organize their own perceptions and create actionable goals with a more complete understanding of themselves.

As Lifelong Guidance, we prepare our children for the future with these tests.

academic test
Burdon Attention Test
Multiple Intelligence Test
Development Chechlist
Learning Style Test
Personality Test
EQ Test

Project Announcement


Mitigating Math-Related Learning Losses of Newly Arrived Refugee Children Through Innovative Teaching Method

Digital Marketing For Resilience

Promoting Resilience of Refugees by Developing their Digital Marketing Skills

Our Partners