Digital Marketing For Resillience Project Results

At the end of the dm4res project following results obtained. Please see, use and share it. All of the results are open access and free of charge.
Concrete outcomes and achievements of the project:
1. Digital marketing training organized.
2. Resilience building activities organized.
3. Total 8 Sectoral info and national regulations seminars organized.
4. Total 2 digital marketing learner support centers prepared and launched.
You can register and reach all of the seminar and training mentioned above. Please easily register and access it via links.

Learning Center – Pigikoinsep

Learning Center – EXUV BAYERN E.V.
5. A scientific article prepared and sent to a scientific journal to be published. “Promoting the Resilience of Refugees by Developing their Digital Marketing Skills”

6. A Blog developed at European Commission EPALE system. Blog named “Resilience and digital marketing skills, An interdisciplinary training approach for adults with refugee backgrounds.”

7. A scientific article prepared and sent to a scientific journal to be published. “PROMOTING THE RESILIENCE OF REFUGEES BY DEVELOPING THEIR DIGITAL MARKETING SKILLS”

8. A scientific article prepared and sent to a scientific journal to be published. “ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ВИКЛАДАННЯ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ ЗА ПРОФЕСІЙНИМ СПРЯМУВАННЯМ У ЗАКЛАДАХ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ”

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