Online Digital Marketing Course

The course is hugely interactive with projects, checklists & actionable lectures built into every section. Learn step by step how to market a business online from scratch across all the major marketing channels. Follow the steps on-screen to get results at work, for your own business, or for your digital marketing clients.

To enroll this class please login or sign up

What You Will Learn

  • You will learn how to use dozens of proven digital marketing strategies
  • You will improve your brand identity and grow your brand’s audience
  • You will learn social media marketing using all of the most popular social media platforms to grow your business
  • You will grow your email list, website traffic, subscriber count, and social media following
  • You will see tangible results by taking action throughout the entire course
  • You will increase conversions and sales with real world techniques

Course Content

Introduction To Digital Marketing

How To Start With E-commerce

Digital Marketing Strategy

Basic Principles Of Websites & Webshops

Basic Principles of Websites & Webshops Introduction To SEM

Basic Principles of Websites & Webshops Introduction To SEM

Basic Principles of Websites & Webshops Introduction To SEM

SEA, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SEA, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SEA, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing


  • No prior marketing knowledge required
  • You should be ready to take action and see real results!


Naci Yılmaz

Naci Yılmaz

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